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Can I own a property in Indonesia?

Yes, non-residents can purchase leasehold properties in Indonesia. Leasehold properties allow you to hold a property for a specified period. Here are the steps involved:
1. You will enter into a purchase agreement with the existing leaseholder, PT Two Tone Projects. The agreement will outline the terms of the sale, including the purchase price, payment terms, transfer of the lease rights, and any other conditions agreed upon by both parties.
2. PT Two Tone Projects, as the existing leaseholder, will initiate the lease transfer process and work with the legal entity to complete the necessary paperwork and documentation.
Please note that PT Two Tone Projects engages the services of reputable notary and legal professionals who are experienced in property transactions in Indonesia. They ensure that the property's title is clear and free from any encumbrances. Verification of the title can be provided upon request.

How do I pay tax in Indonesia?

The tax you pay on rental income in Indonesia depends on the tax residency, and entity set up of your choice. We recommend working with a Property Booking & Management Company, who will handle your administration and payment of all relevant taxes. By engaging a Property Management Company, your Tax obligation is set up to 11% per booking. Additionally, you are able to engage with a trusted Accountancy Firm to understand alternative options and legal tax obligations for your property.

How do I pay for the property?

You will be required to transfer the payment installations or set up a direct debit into PT Two Tone Projects local Indonesian bank account. All banking details will be supplied during contractual signings.

Do I need an Indonesian bank account?

Depending on how you will treat your investment property, you may decide you would like to open a local bank account to send and receive money. There are many options available such as PermataBank, BNI, and Danamon to name a few - each requiring certain legal documents to proceed. If you choose to open your own PT PMA and hold an Investment Kitas, you are legally able to open a local bank account in your name with any of the above mentioned Indonesian banks.

Can I live and work in Indonesia by buying this property?

To live and work in Indonesia you must hold a valid Working Kitas. Alternatively, there are options to open up an Investment PT PMA where you are legally able to live in Indonesia, with a Foreign Investor Kitas. This enables the property to be held and protected under your PT PMA, and allow you to legally live in Indonesia.

If you are choosing to invest in this property for a personal holiday home, you are ofcourse able to legally enter into Indonesia on a tourist visa for short stays, as governed by Indonesian Immigration requirements.

How does a land lease work and what year does it expire?

To establish a land lease in Indonesia, the lessor (landowner) and lessee (tenant) must enter into a formal lease agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the lease, including the lease period, permitted land use, and any specific obligations of both parties. This will all be made clear in the legal lease agreement provided by PT Two Tone Projects. Sedona is available on a 27 year lease period, expiring in 2050. Land leases in Indonesia are protected under the country's legal system. Both the lessor and lessee have rights and obligations defined by law.

What happens to my property once the lease expires?

Leasehold properties allow you to hold a property for a specified period. Once this lease period ends, to retain your property and extend into an additional lease period, you must enter into further negotiations direct with the original owner of the title of the land.

Who has the title to the land and is it the seller or the original land owner?

The title to the land is held by the original landowner. However, during the process of selling a property on the land currently leased in full by the seller (PT Two Tone Projects), the seller transfers the leased title to the buyer. Therefore, after the sale is completed, the buyer becomes the new title holder of the land for the specified lease period. Proper due diligence and legal procedures are conducted to ensure a smooth and lawful transfer of the title during the property transaction.

How is the land title divided between owners?

It is similar to a subdivision but is called a leasehold division plan. This plan outlines the boundaries and areas of each leasehold portion within the larger piece of land. Each buyer will receive a separate leasehold title for their specific leasehold portion.

Am I legally able to rent this property out once I purchase it?

To legally rent your property, you are required by Indonesian Law to pay relevant taxes. We recommend working with a trusted Real Estate Agent who are able to assist you with managing rights for your property - allowing you to simply list the property with their company. This option doesn't require you to open a PT PMA, nor hold a Kitas. Alternatively, if you prefer a more hands on approach - you are able to set up your own PT PMA to include Villa Rental, and are legally able to rent your property under your Indonesia Company on the likes of Airbnb and

Am I able to on-sell when I want to and how does that work with the lease?

Yes, you are legally able to over-contract (on-sell) your lease of your property at any time after hand-over has been completed. To re-sell your property, you will simply follow the same procedures as discussed in Question 1.

Will there be a Body Corporate fee?

No, you are not required to pay body corporate fees. You are responsible for your own maintenance and services individually. This can be managed through a property management company or organized independently.

How secure is my sales contract?

You will have a well-drafted sales contract that clearly outlines your rights, obligations, and responsibilities as both the buyer and the seller. This comprehensive legal contract will include specific details about the property, such as its description, location, purchase price, payment terms, and any contingencies or conditions that must be met. Ensuring your security is our priority. We will ensure that the sales contract complies with all relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where the transaction takes place. This involves adhering to specific contract formation requirements and incorporating necessary disclosures or provisions mandated by law to provide you with a legally compliant and protected transaction.

Can I buy insurance for my property?

Yes, it is possible to purchase insurance for the property directly with a reputable Insurance company. Property insurance provides coverage for potential risks and damages to the property and its contents.

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